While Brennan Leach didn't rescue electoral ballot boxes from Capitol building rioters as the caption on a viral photo suggests, she did assist on what she calls a terrifying day

Trump justifies violence: 'These are things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots'

'The Electoral College has spoken,' says top Republican, distancing himself from Trump's assault on the outcome of November 3 vote

Sen. John Thune, second-ranking GOP leader, says that with Electoral College settling the result, it's time to move on; others speak up, breaking ranks with Trump

Six battleground states that Biden won and Trump contested all gave their votes to Biden and Harris; Pence will preside over Jan 6. joint session of Congress to tally votes

Justices reject US president's attempt to overturn his loss in key state, say 'no penalties were committed and the final score was the result of a free and fair election'

But US president signals he may never concede defeat, claiming it would be a 'mistake' if the Electoral College chooses his Democratic rival

Republican lawmakers in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin say they won't dismiss popular vote in their states, a scheme backed by some of the US president's allies

While polls continue to point to a Biden victory, Trump has a real chance of winning if he can hold on to closely contested Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Arizona and Florida