Despite Hollywood success and new friendship with Billy Crystal formed on the set of indie flick 'Standing Up, Falling Down,' funnyman admits he still worries about his next gig

Despite the snub for Adam Sander's role in 'Uncut Gems,' this year's Academy Awards are chock-full of Chosen People presenting and receiving golden statues

Ben Zauzmer, 26, a baseball analyst for the Los Angeles Dodgers, predicted 20 out of 21 winners last year. Think of him as the Nate Silver of Oscars night

As the chilly annual fest ends, a sneak peek from the glitzy off-Hollywood confab reveals that the coming year will see some truly great movies with a Jewish bent

Filmmaker siblings Josh and Benny Safdie describe diamond-in-the-rough Howard Ratner as an unscrupulous businessman, who just may be a righteous man. Opening nationwide December 25

Members of the Tribe are jostling to take home award in the January 5 ceremony

Born Rachel Mitrani in New York to Jewish parents from Spain, Morrison played a Latina maid on long-running series as well as in movies with Hollywood stars of several eras

African-American Jewish comedian/actress celebrates her 'Black Mitzvah' at 40, in a program streaming from December 3. But while it may be funny, the occasion is no joke for her

Meet Sabra, Masada, Kitty Pryde and other underrated badass women of the Tribe making the leap from comics to the big screen

Jewish-Polynesian director Taika Waititi's latest film has stirred controversy for its humorous portrayal of Hitler, but lampooning the 21st century's greatest villain is tradition
