Brussels says man has been in 'illegal' detention since February 24 arrest; prisoner swap with Tehran could see release of convicted terrorist

Benjamin Briere's attorney says Iranian authorities are holding him 'hostage'; he was arrested after taking pictures of a national park

Officials don't say how many people arrested or their nationalities; separately announces that a group was arrested in April on suspicion of leaking classified nuclear secrets

Security service says operatives used spoof emails to invite academics and business people to Europe, some under the guise of a conference

Security service says account had thousands of friends, mostly Israelis; it examined their willingness to harm targets, including Arab diplomats and businessmen

In absentia, Dan Zorella, Avi Yanus and Gal Farchi convicted in plea deal of intimidating corruption prosecutor

Husband, a Navy nuclear engineer, passed information about American nuclear-powered warships to someone he thought was foreign government representative; wife acted as lookout

Security service says suspect was trained by the terror group to operate anti-tank missiles, provided Israeli interrogators with intel on locations of tunnels, weapons caches

Pro-government paper says initial hearings to last four days; suspects charged with 'political and military' espionage on behalf of Israel

The suspects, who are among 5 Israelis accused of assisting an Iranian operative, to be monitored and barred from using internet under terms of release
