Claims by ex-president's supporters of innocuous nature of conduct miss the point, since Justice Department concerned with is the connection to national defense information

Notorious spy, 79, was serving life without parole since 2002, a year after caught passing on classified information and helping identify Russian double agents since at least 1985

Ulrich Schnaft's capture underscores the challenges and vigilance of a counterintelligence body vetting countless undocumented immigrants while fighting a 4-front war

Report says 11 arrested and several are on the run, publishes name and photo of alleged ringleader; incident marks 2nd Israeli spy ring Ankara claims to have disrupted

Moscow City Court to hear defense appeal Tuesday; Washington has declared Evan Gershkovich 'wrongfully detained'

Widow and children of famed 'Fiddler on the Roof' actor tell Haaretz about his exploits to assist the spy agency, using his star status to help out with surveillance operations

26-year-old was caught while crossing border in January; prosecutors say he was paid to provide info on troop movements

Ties between Russia and the US, already strained for years, have reached new lows since Putin sent troops to Ukraine last year

Judiciary says Ali Reza Akbari, who was deputy defense minister until 2001, was 'key spy' for British intelligence, claims agents unmasked espionage by feeding him false info

Iranian media says agents for Israeli spy agency developed contacts with Islamic Republic's arms firms; unclear how many have been arrested
