With indictment filed, Shin Bet security service says Omri Goren spoke to an Iran-linked official and discussed hacking defense minister's computer, sent photographs of his house

In 'Hitler's South African Spies,' Evert Kleynhans uncovers 'suppressed' evidence that members of an ultimately ineffective effort to harm Allied ships escaped prosecution

Court documents don't say what nation Jonathan Toebbe was trying to contact when he sent information about the design of US nuclear-powered submarines

David S. suspected of sending documents to Russian intelligence; security specialist: 'A reminder of how much effort Russians put into trying to find out what West is up to'

Mariam Thompson, 62, divulged real names of at least 8 people working for US intelligence in Iraq to a Lebanese national she had a romantic link with

Benjamin Briere to be tried for espionage -- punishable by death -- after allegedly being caught flying a drone and taking photos in restricted area; sister appeals to Macron

Shin Bet says Mohammad Abu Adra, who for family reasons was permitted frequent travel between Israel and Gaza, was recruited 18 months ago to gather information for terror group

'The Undercover Wrestler' reveals an unknown story of diplomat Zalman On, who used his brawn and brains to save European Jews -- and befriended Frank Sinatra

New book interviewing Yuri Shvets and multiple other sources alleges Moscow rescued Trump's businesses with laundered funds, directly tying this to Trump's affinity to Putin

Citing suicide risk, British judge rules that whistleblower won't face American espionage charges carrying a maximum sentence of 175 years
