The far-right head of Italy's anti-immigration League party cites common values with populist leaders in US, Israel, Brazil, Poland and Hungary

Picture of a fractured assembly for next five years completed as many turn backs on centrist parties in favor of factions led by populists Salvini, Le Pen and Farage

Activist organization records at least 9 extremist groups operating last year in Idaho; Aryan Nations compound demolished nearly 2 decades ago in the state

Strasbourg-based Parliamentary Assembly refuses to recognize nationalist alliance of lawmakers from Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, and Italy

With starkly different visions for bloc's future, parties across the continent vie for the votes of 400 million people, in the most hotly anticipated such vote in recent memory

Election campaigns across continent bear anti-Semitic undertones, Jewish community warns, pushing many to consider leaving Europe

AfD is skirting a traditional media campaign to focus on a provocative social media effort, but its potential to rise significantly in the vote is doubted

Several of this year's far-right candidates in the continent-wide European Elections are well under 30 -- as are some of their most ardent supporters

In open letter to Gideon Sa'ar, Lehava chairman Bentzi Gopstein says he's motivated not by racism but rather by the continued existence of the Jewish people

His Vox party wins 10.3% of votes and 24 seats in parliament, resurrecting far-right from margins of politics since the death of dictator Francisco Franco
