By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
On Chanukah, people wish each other in Yiddish,Ah lichtigen Chanukah,” literally translated as “Have an illuminated Chanukah.” We wonder what the explanation of that blessing is and what it refers to.

Never Give Up

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
Just like life, the history of the Jewish people is comprised of highs and lows, mountains and valleys. Much of what transpires is only understood in hindsight. Often, things look bleak and gloomy. It appears as if there is no hope. Everything is closing in. And then the looming clouds separate and light begins slipping through. Eventually, life is bright again.
We deal with all types of people. We try to lift the weary, gladden the downtrodden, and bring light to those for whom everything appears dark. We speak to them softly, lovingly, and with much patience.

Golus Jews

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
Yaakov Avinu is referred to as “The Av of Golus.” Though he wasn’t the first of the avos to be exiled, he spent much of his life in exile and handed down lessons for us to survive and succeed in exile.
The Torah states that when Moshe Rabbeinu, who had grown up in the palace of Paroh, left and saw the suffering of his brothers in Mitzrayim, “Vayar besivlosamAnd he saw their pain.” The Chiddushei Horim adds a component to what Moshe saw. He writes that “sivlosam” hints to the idea that his brethren had begun to be “soveil” what was transpiring. They were tolerant of the sad reality and accepted it as a fact of life.

See The Good

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
I remember when I was a young, small child, sitting at a classroom desk in Yeshiva of Spring Valley, hanging on to every word of my rebbi as we learned Parshas Vayeitzei, describing Yaakov Avinu’s dream, his years in Lovon’s house, his marriages, and the birth of the shevotim. Ever since our earliest years, we’ve sat riveted by the account of many stones joining together to become the single rock upon which Yaakov rested his head. We were generally taught that Yaakov slept on Har Hamoriah, site of his father’s Akeidah and the future site of the Botei Mikdosh.

By Dr. Yosef Sokol
Word on the street is that Orthodox communities are facing a shidduch crisis, with many bemoaning the supposed surplus of eligible women in relation to eligible men. When you consider the importance the Jewish community places on marriage and building a family, it’s understandable that when it doesn’t work out immediately, a lot of anxiety ensues. Many women, even those with multiple professional degrees and successful careers, say they feel they are not viewed as full-fledged adults until they have a ring on their fingers – and many view themselves that way as well..

In an op-ed in the Jerusalem Post, businessman and philantropist Adam Milstein says that observers of antisemitism have quickly grasped that Kanye West’s antisemitism closely mirrors that of Minister Louis Farrakhan, the longtime so-called “leader of the Nation of Islam.”
Among the antisemitic tropes expressed by West: Blacks are the real Jews and therefore cannot be antisemitic, Jews are greedy and only watch out for their own at the expense of others, and Jewish Zionists control or have disproportionate influence over media, finance, entertainment and broader American society. Ye has also expressed admiration for Hitler.


By Rabbi Pinchos Lipscutz
This week’s parsha introduces us to Yaakov and Eisov, whose struggle endures until the End of Days.
The differences between them were already apparent prior to their birth. One sought to escape to the bais medrash and the other was interested in avodah zorah. Yaakov was a tzaddik tomim, while his wicked twin brother, Eisov, presented himself as an upright person.

Dear Editor,
I was absolutely shocked this year to see more than one frum advertise “Thanksgiving dinner” and the like.
Have we lost all sensitivity? Do we not have any gedorim anymore?
And even if the storeowners are clueless, don’t the rabbonim machshirim have a say? How can they allow their stores to do this?
So what’s so wrong about advertising about, or celebrating, the holiday of Thanksgiving and a turkey dinner?
Let me quote from Rav Avigdor Miller:

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
Republicans and many of us were convinced that there would be a great big Red Wave, sweeping them into control of the Senate and Congress and clearing out Democrats from governorships and other state positions across the country. It didn’t happen. And everyone is pontificating on what went wrong.
There must be a disconnect when despite it being plainly evident to all that prices are rising, the economy is failing, crime is rampant in big liberal cities, and the president is often incoherent, a majority of people still vote for the guilty party.
To their credit, Biden’s handlers succeeded in covering up his many errors, lies and missteps, and basically kept him out of the campaign, where he only would have done damage.

By Jonathan Tobin
As Bibi Netanyahu begins forming the next Israeli government following his victory in the latest Knesset election, some on the left have begun a last-ditch effort to prevent him from forming a coalition with the parties that ran as his allies. Their argument is that anything must be done to keep the Religious Zionist Party and especially Itamar Ben-Gvir out of power.
