New York state will file a lawsuit challenging the Department of Homeland Security’s decision to block New Yorkers from participating in “trusted traveler programs” in retribution for a new state law that could hinder federal immigration enforcement, officials said Friday. “It’s an abuse of power. It’s extortion. It is hurting New Yorkers to advance their political agenda. And we’re going to fight back,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, said at a news conference in New York. The lawsuit is the latest salvo in an escalating fight over immigration policy between President Donald Trump and Democratic leaders in his home state. In December, a new state law took effect allowing New York residents to apply for driver’s licenses without having to prove they are in the U.S. legally.

An Israeli man traveled to Hong Kong on Wednesday and reported to B’Chadrei Charedim that everything was empty. In a photo the man took of the inside of the plane, the only people who were on the flight were the staff as hundreds of seats on the jumbo jet lay empty while the staff wore masks over their faces. The man, who was traveling for business, requested to remain anonymous and said: “My wife refused to let me go until she realized that I had to go, otherwise my business would fail. Of course I am afraid, but I have no choice the work needs to get done.” The man added that when he arrived in Hong Kong, he could not see many people at the airport.

Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas and former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert have announced that they will make a joint statement next week reflecting their opposition to the Trump administration’s peace plan. According to Channel 12 News, which broke the story to the Israeli media, the joint press conference is reported to be held next week. During the press conference, Olmert is expected to say that he was on the cusp of an agreement with the PA towards the end of his term as Prime Minister. Olmert has previously offered Abbas the most generous package that had ever been offered by an Israeli Prime Minister, including a near-total withdrawal from Judea and Samaria, relinquishing control eastern Jerusalem and putting the Old City of Jerusalem under international control.

The Russian Defense Ministry said on Thursday that an airstrike, that was said to have taken place over Damascus and which the Russians attributed to Israel, endangered a civilian aircraft, leaving one passenger in serious condition and forcing the plane to divert its course and land in a nearby Russian airbase. The airstrike reportedly targeted an outpost used by an Iranian militia near Damascus. The Russian Foreign Ministry also stated that the plane, a civil Airbus-320, with 172 passengers on board, was trying to land at Damascus airport when the airstrikes hit. Israel’s Foreign Ministry refused to comment on the reports. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Two unusual incidents occurred in the home of the Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky this week, according to the Orchos Yosher weekly newsletter which publicizes the mussar teachings and chiddushim of Harav Chaim, and quoted in an article by B’Chadrei Chareidim. The first incident occurred when a group of people entered Harav Chaim’s room and approached the Gadol to receive a bracha. One of Harav Chaim’s attendants noticed that one person from the group didn’t approach Harav Chaim and was standing at a distance on the far side of the room.

(By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for For some reason, it is getting harder and harder to get hold of a Rav or Posaik during a critical time. One very common question that comes up for couples involves induction of labor (as opposed to waiting for labor to occur naturally) by giving, among other things, a […]

Three IDF officers were officially censured this week over the estimated $8.7 million damage caused to eight F-16 fighter jets last month due to the flooding of several underground hangars, a senior Israeli Air Force officer stated. The commander of the base is leaving his position early although he will continue his career in the IDF. Chief of staff of the IAF Brig. Gen. Nir Barkan told reporters that the investigation into the incident showed that the officers on the base were negligent in their duties by failing to prevent the flooding of the hangars on January 9, despite definite predictions of stormy weather. “The proper and professional operation of the base’s drainage system, which was recently upgraded, would have minimized the damage significantly,” Barkan told reporters.

Federal authorities are investigating the shooting of a man in Brooklyn that involved a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officer, a case that is inflaming passions around New York City’s sanctuary policies. The shooting happened around 8:15 a.m. Thursday in the Bensonhurst neighborhood. Federal authorities were trying to arrest Gasper Avendano-Hernandez, a Mexican accused of being in the country unlawfully. ICE said two of its officers were “physically attacked” during the arrest and taken to the hospital. At least one of the officers opened fire during the confrontation, striking another man accused of interfering with Avendano-Hernandez’s arrest. That man, whose name was not released, received injuries that were not considered life-threatening, authorities said.

The terrorist who carried out the ramming attack in Jerusalem early Thursday morning was arrested at the Gush Etzion Junction by Israeli security forces on Thursday evening following an all-day manhunt. The 25-year-old terrorist is a resident of the A-Tur neighborhood of East Jerusalem who has no record of previous security offenses, the Shin Bet stated. Following his arrest, the terrorist was transferred to the Shin Bet for interrogation. The attack, which occurred at 2 a.m. on Thursday morning at the First Station in Jerusalem injured 12 Golani soldiers who were on a heritage tour to Jerusalem overnight on Wednesday ahead of their swearing-in ceremony at the Kosel scheduled for early Thursday morning. תשעה מהחיילים שנפצעו בפיגוע הדריסה בירושלים הגיעו לטקס ההשבעה בבא"ח גולני.

In this riveting and electrifying interview, Councilman Yeger UNLOADS on local politicians who have stoked antisemitism. He blasts phony “soft” antisemites who claim they like Jews and only despise the frum way of life. He discusses the BDS movement, Ilhan Omar, and many other outspoken enemies of Jews in America. Yeger addresses the recent spike in antisemitism. He explains why he is skeptical of Mayor DeBlasio’s hate crimes task force. He blasts the new bail reform law, and reacts to the recent meeting in Boro Park with AG Barr and Jewish leaders. And Yeger gives a fascinating behind-the-scenes glimpse into last year’s controversy, when he tweeted that Palestine does not exist, and was punished by fellow council members. Plus much more.
