President Trump blasted Democrats after Monday’s Iowa caucuses resulted in chaos and a failure to determine a winner even by Tuesday morning. The president cited the faulty process as just another example of Democrats having trouble running something important, such as the notorious crashing of the Affordable Care Act’s website during the Obama administration. “The Democrat Caucus is an unmitigated disaster. Nothing works, just like they ran the Country. Remember the 5 Billion Dollar Obamacare Website, that should have cost 2% of that,” Trump tweeted. Meanwhile, Brad Parscale, Donald Trump’s campaign manager, issued a statement Monday on the Iowa caucuses that have suffered a series of largely unexplained delays and raised questions about the legitimacy of the contest.

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for The fact that the Yeshiva bochur put in time and effort to consider the well-being of the young women of Klal Yisroel is truly remarkable.  However, with due respect to the BMG bochur who conceived of the idea to accelerate the education of our young men – the idea […]

The Iowa Democratic Party said Monday night that results from the state’s first-in-the-nation caucus were greatly delayed due to “quality checks” and new reporting rules, an embarrassing complication that added a new layer of doubt to an already uncertain presidential primary season. The party said the problem was not a result of a “hack or an intrusion.” The statement came after Iowa voters packed caucus sites across the state with at least four leading candidates battling to win the opening contest of the 2020 campaign, and ultimately, the opportunity to take on President Donald Trump this fall. Long before any significant results were released, the candidates pressed ahead with post-election rallies claiming momentum.

Problems with a mobile app appeared to force a delay in reporting the results of the Iowa caucuses Monday, as the campaigns, voters and the media pressed party officials for an explanation and got few answers. An Iowa Democratic Party official pointed to “quality control” as the source of the delays — but noted that about a quarter of the state’s nearly 1,700 precincts have reported their data already. The party also said the delay was not caused by a “hack or an intrusion.” But other officials blamed technology.

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for If someone were keeping tabs on these things, it is perhaps the Parnassah Segulah that has gone most viral of all other Segulos. Numerous Torah internet sites link to the parsha of the Mahn and explain that one will become wealthier if we recite this section (Shmos 16:4 until […]

China’s acting ambassador to Israel apologized on Sunday after comparing the closure of several national borders to Chinese citizens amid fears of a new virus from China to the turning away of Jewish refugees during the Holocaust. Dai Yuming told reporters at a English-language press conference in Tel Aviv that the “errors to limit or even ban entries of Chinese citizens” reminded him of “the old days, the old stories that happened in World War Two, the Holocaust, the darkest days in human history.” “Millions of Jewish were killed, and many, many Jewish were refused when they tried to seek assistance from other countries. Only very, very few countries opened their door, and among them is China,” Dai said.

Thousands participated in the hillulahs for the Baba Sali, z’tl, on Thursday near his tzion in Netivot for his 36th yartzeit (4 Shevat). The main speech was delivered by the Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, Harav Shlomo Amar, who stressed that we are living in the times of Moshiach, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported. “We’re in a terrible situation,” Harav Amar said. “We were never in a situation like this regarding the elections. I’m not a political person and I haven’t spoken about this, but there’s another election and another election and we don’t see a way out. Who knows what Hakadosh Baruch Hu is preparing for us.

Every week, dozens of brissim are held in the Lederman shul with Hagaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky serving as the sandak, but one of the brissim held on Monday morning was anything but routine. A bris was held on Monday for a baby whose father is currently serving a jail sentence,  B’Chadrei Chareidim reported. Before the bris, the man’s relatives asked Harav Chaim if the father could say the pesukim and the name of the baby from his prison over the phone. Harav Chaim paskened that it was permissible for the father to say the pesukim by phone and appoint the mohel as his shaliach. Harav Chaim served as the sandak and the father – as planned – said the pesukim over the phone and named the baby Neriya.

A Haaretz investigative report on Monday morning revealed incriminating information about Yisrael Beiteinu chairman Avigdor Lieberman, who brought Israel to 2nd and now 3rd elections due to his refusal to join the right-wing coalition over the issue of the IDF recruitment agreement for Chareidim. The report revealed that when Lieberman served as Defense Minister from 2016 -2018, he was personally involved in handing out hundreds of exemptions from IDF service to Chareidim. According to the report, when Lieberman- the very Lieberman who turned incitement against the Chareidim as his campaign battle call – was Defense Minister, he had an open-door policy in his office in the Defense Ministry for Chareidim.

Days after Gulf Arab states expressed their support for President Donald Trump’s efforts at resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, representatives from these same countries and other Muslim nations gathered in Saudi Arabia and rejected the White House’s plan as “biased.” Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan said the kingdom backs efforts that push for negotiations, but said such initiatives must reach a fair resolution that ensures the rights of the Palestinian people “through the creation of an independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital.” He spoke at a gathering in the Saudi city of Jiddah for the 57-nation Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which denounced Trump’s plan.
