HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein spoke on Monday at the UTJ Keness that took place at his home, attended by all the members of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah. The Rosh Yeshivah spoke very sharply about the growing incitement in the media against the Chareidi sector. “As is well-known, today there’s great incitement against the Chareidi sector,” the Rosh Yeshivah said. “They want to establish decrees against us, decrees on Shemiras Shabbos, on chinuch, on violating religion, decrees of Shmad! There’s a lot of propaganda in the media against Chareidim – this poses a great risk to us. Incitement has an influence, there are many who are influenced by it. The Chiloni sector is larger than the Chareidi sector and they’re influenced by the incitement.” “It’s a great risk that they’ll be successful in the elections and gain many representatives in the Knesset – this is a danger for us.” “And therefore the practical solution is to increase votes, so the Chareidi representatives will have more votes and the inciters will have less. This is the only solution, otherwise, we’re at great risk. They have an openly declared goal, they want to enact decrees – on chillul Shabbos, on chinuch, to withhold educational budgets, and without budgets, it’s impossible to exist. Therefore it’s vital to thwart these decrees, to increase votes. Each person in his own circles should influence others to vote for UTJ. If you’re familiar with someone you can influence, you must convince him – this is our obligation.” “Even if there are those who have complaints [against the Chareidi MKs], they have demands, they haven’t received what they should have – these are personal concerns. It’s not a reason not to vote [for UTJ]. Otherwise, it will be even worse, there will be terrible decrees. So there’s no other choice, only to vote for UTJ – which is Yahudus HaTorah and Shabbos – it’s the only solution.” “Apart from the matter that this is a Kiddush Hashem, Kiddush Shem Shamayim – that you’re declaring – each person who votes for UTJ is declaring that Moshe Emes V’Toraso Emes and Hashem Hu HaElokim – that ‘s the declaration.” הרב אדלשטיין בכינוס בחירות של דגל התורה מתייחס לזעם החרדי על חברי הכנסת: יש כאלה שיש להם טענות, דרישות, לא מקבלים את מה שמגיע להם – זה חשבונות אישיים. זו לא סיבה לא להצביע pic.twitter.com/127wze0aGg — יקי אדמקר (@YakiAdamker) March 15, 2021 “B’ezras Hashem, Hashem should truly help us that we’re zocheh to this, to thwart the decrees,” the Rosh Yeshivah concluded. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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