King Ponzi schemer Bernard Madoff asked a federal judge Wednesday to grant him a “compassionate release” from his 150-year prison sentence, saying he has terminal kidney failure and less than 18 months to live. Madoff’s attorney filed court papers saying the 81-year-old has end-stage kidney disease and other “chronic, serious medical conditions,” including hypertension and cardiovascular disease. “There’s no cure for my type of disease,” Madoff told The Washington Post in a phone interview, expressing remorse for orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history. Meanwhile, Axios News tweeted about this story and confused Bernie Madoff with Bernie SANDERS. They quickly deleted their tweet.

A plane skidded off the runway Wednesday as it tried to land in bad weather in Istanbul, crashing into a field and breaking into pieces. Passengers had to evacuate through cracks in the smashed plane and authorities said 120 people were sent to the hospital with injuries. The low-cost Pegasus Airlines plane with 177 passengers and crew on board was arriving at Istanbul’s Sabiha Gokcen airport from the western Turkish city of Izmir when it had what the Transportation Ministry described as a “rough landing.” The ministry said no one died in the incident. Istanbul Gov. Ali Yerlikaya said the plane landed in bad weather, failed to “hold onto the runway” and skidded some 50-60 meters (yards) before crashing into a ditch from a height of some 30 meters.

Numerous people were injured in what appears to be a terror attack in Jerusalem early Thursday morning. Police say a vehicle slammed into the victims near “First Station”. United Hatzalah and Magen David Adom treated at least 8 victims on the scene. Some were taken to Hadassah Har Hatzofim and Hadasah Ein Kerem hospitals, and some treated on the scene and released. All were reportedly in stable condition. Police say the driver fled the vehicle, and a manhunt was launched. United Hatzalah volunteer EMT Aharon Pomp who was one of the first responders at the scene said: “Together with other EMS personnel, I treated one young man who was in serious condition after he suffered a full-system-trauma. I also treated two other young people who sustained moderate injuries.

An impaired driver taking a “joy ride” Wednesday along the Kansas City Chiefs’ Super Bowl parade route was put into a forced spin by law enforcement officers who then arrested the driver and another person at gunpoint, according to officials and video footage of the incident. Clay County Sheriff’s deputies threw out Stop Sticks and several patrol cars surrounded the car and stopped it as it approached the crowd near Union Station, police said. Video posted by WDAF-TV showed officers approaching the car with weapons drawn before taking two people into custody. The arrest happened around three hours before the parade began, and no one was injured. Mayor Quinton Lucas told the TV station that it was an impaired driver taking “a joy ride” and was not terrorism-related.

Five Israelis who arrived in Moscow on an Aeroflot flight from Tel Aviv on Wednesday were detained at the Sheremetyevo Airport for five hours and then sent back on a flight to Israel. According to a Kikar Ha’Shabbos report, two of the Israelis detained at the airport were two Lubavitcher chassidim, the musician Yossi Zoldan and the singer Eli Chafetz, who were traveling to Russia to perform at a gathering in Moscow to mark Yud Shevat, the yahrtzeit of the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe and the beginning of the leadership of the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rav Menachem Mendel Schneerson zt’l. Zoldan told Kikar HaShabbos that his flight landed around noon in Moscow and as soon as he arrived at passport control he was instructed to wait on the side together with four other Israelis.

Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky was asked to respond to the phenomenon of the coronavirus which has been causing widespread panic in the world. “In the days of shovavim which are mesugal for us to fight against Amelek as it’s mentioned in our parshiyos – l’havdil from all the tumah of Mitzryaim and the culture of the nations – ‘Every illness that I afflicted Mitzrayim with I will not afflict you because I am Hashem your Healer’ should be fulfilled in us,” Harav Chaim said. “There’s no punishment that comes to the world except for Yisrael,” Hagaon Harav Gershon Edelstein said. “We have to remember that everything is through the hashgacha of Shamayim – there is nothing to fear.

The Senate voted to acquit President Donald Trump on the first article of impeachment, clearing him of a charge that he abused his power when he pressured Ukraine to investigate his political rivals. The vote was 52-48. Democrats fell well short of the two-thirds majority required to convict and remove the president from office. The Senate will now vote on a second article of impeachment. DEVELOPING STORY – REFRESH FOR UPDATES
The post THE “HOAX” IS OVER: Senate Acquits Trump On Charge Of Abuse Of Power appeared first on The Yeshiva World.

While many find videos like this disturbing, it should be used as a learning lesson. This frightening incident occurred on “Beirach Moshe Street” in Kiryas Joel on Tuesday. Watch how a young child runs across the street directly in front of a car. The driver is heard shrieking in fear on his dash-cam as he slams on the breaks. Bichasdei Hashem the child makes it across in a hair-splitting second. LESSONS TO BE LEARNED: The driver was driving at a safe speed and was alert of his surroundings and had sufficient time to stop in time. Children should be taught how to properly cross a street, and parents should be aware where their children are at all times. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

The series of explosive balloons and rockets and mortars launched from the Gaza Strip into Israel over the past few weeks is apparently not enough for Hamas. Hamas’s balloon unit published a video on Monday threatening that it will soon launch more sophisticated balloons equipped with tear gas and a delayed fuse that will activate the chemicals when the balloons land in Israeli territory. They called their latest scheme “balloons with chemical weaponry.” Watch the test run Hamas posted along with the threat that it will soon launch the balloons “into the homes of the settlers.” On Monday evening, an explosive balloon exploded next to a house in Kibbutz Kfar Aza in southern Israel. There were no injuries or damage to property.

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) will vote to convict President Donald Trump in the impeachment trial on the charge of abuse of power, becoming the only Republican to break with the president and his party. “The grave question the Constitution tasks senators to answer is whether the president committed an act so extreme and egregious that it rises to the level of a “high crime and misdemeanor.” “Yes, he did,” Romney said. The move denies Trump the unanimous Republican support he had sought and is sure to invite an avalanche of attacks from the president and his allies. ROMNEY: "The grave question the Constitution tasks senators to answer is whether the president committed an act so extreme and egregious that it rises to the level of a high crime and misdemeanor.
