Former Vice President Joe Biden seemed to get short-tempered with NBC’s Savannah Guthrie when asked about his son Hunter Biden’s dealings with Ukraine. When Guthrie caught up with Biden on Monday, she noted the “irony” that more people know about Hunter’s work with the Burisma gas company now, thanks to President Donald Trump’s Ukraine scandal and his subsequent impeachment. This led to Biden saying that “no one has found anything wrong with [Hunter’s] dealings with Ukraine, except it sets a bad image.” “Well, do you agree that it sets a bad image?” Guthrie asked. “Do you think it was wrong for him to take that position knowing it was really because the company wanted access to you.” “That’s not true,” Biden snapped. “You’re saying things you don’t know what you’re talking about!

Rush Limbaugh just announced on his radio program that he has been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. He says he will not be on the air for some days due to treatment. DEVELOPING STORY – REFRESH FOR UPDATE
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The latest episode of the Yeshiva World Podcast is now available – and it is a really timely and interesting interview. Rabbi Dr. Glatt, an infectious disease expert, describes the dangers of the coronavirus, and the likelihood of a potential outbreak. He explains why this illness is different than other viruses, including the flu. He shares advice and hashkafa from Gedolim about similar illnesses and how we should respond. Rabbi Glatt breaks down the potential scenarios we can expect in the U.S. in the coming weeks. He shares practical advice to protect ourselves. And much more. Listen and subscribe to the podcast on your favorite podcast app, including iTunes, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, and Podbean. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday he has met with Gen. Abdel-Fattah Burhan, the head of Sudan’s sovereign council, and that they have begun the process of normalization. “We agreed to begin cooperation that will lead to normalization of relations between the two countries,” Netanyahu tweeted. “History!” In recent years Netanyahu has pushed to improve ties with African countries that have long had cool relations with Israel over the conflict with the Palestinians. Sudan is keen to escape the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism as it struggles to rebuild its economy following the popular uprising that toppled Omar al-Bashir last year.

The first patients arrived Monday at a 1,000-bed hospital built in 10 days as part of China’s sweeping efforts to fight a new virus that is causing global alarm. Huoshenshan Hospital and a second 1,500-bed facility due to open this week were built by construction crews who are working around the clock in Wuhan, the central city where the outbreak was first detected in December. Some 50 million people are barred from leaving Wuhan and surrounding cities. The Wuhan treatment centers mark the second time Chinese leaders have responded to a new disease by building specialized hospitals almost overnight. As severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, spread in 2003, a facility in Beijing for patients with that viral disease was constructed in a week.

Reports of a new city is being planned on the outskirts of Gush Dan near Moreisha Junction have been revealed to the Israeli media. The city, which is set to be called Dorot Illit, is being built on privately owned land that spreads across hundreds of dunam. The city is being planned specifically for newlyweds and young couples with children and it is being planned as a Chareidi city from the outright, which has proven in the past to make city planning easier and more population friendly in cities such as Beitar Illit, Modi’in Illit, and Elad. The city planning is incorporating space for Shuls, Yeshivos, Shteiblech, Schools that cater to the Chareidi populace and is opening itself up to Sephardim and Ashkenazim alike.

Peleg Yerushalmi began another protest on Monday afternoon in Bnei Brak to object to the arrest of a Yeshiva Bochur named Gamliel Mahadani for failing to register for the IDF. Instead of carrying out the protest in their usual spot at the Jabotinsky intersection, they gathered at the Coca-Cola Junction – the other main entrance to the city, where the police would not be expecting them. A large number of police were prepared for the protest, including water canons, horses and police in riot gear if needed. The protest began with the closure of the highway by Coca-Cola. As can be seen in the attached videos, police used physical force to remove try and remove the boys from the highway, which was inconveniencing tens of thousands of people.

A Democratic campaign that has cost more than $1 billion, dashed the ambitions of veteran politicians, forced conversations about race, gender and identity and prompted fierce debate over health care and taxes crests Monday in the Iowa caucuses. By day’s end, tens of thousands of Democrats will have participated in the famed Iowa caucuses, the premiere of more than 50 contests that will unfold over the next five months. The caucuses will render the first verdict on who among dozens of candidates is best positioned to take on President Donald Trump, whom Democratic voters are desperate to beat this fall. It is a moment thick with promise for a Democratic Party that has seized major gains since Trump won the White House in 2016.

Rabbi Shea Deitsch, a Chabad shaliach who manages the Sha’arei Tzedek center in Moscow was a bulwark of support for the Issachar family from the time Naama was arrested last erev Pesach. He visited Naama every week in prison, brought her kosher food and parsha sheets for Shabbos and most importantly, provided constant words of encouragement to Naama and her family. He was such an important source of encouragement for the Issachar family that they dubbed him “the malach.” In a special interview with COL, he spoke about his experiences.  “I remember the day that we got the message about her arrest,” Rabbi Deitsch said. “My wife and I went to the prison on erev Pesach – we visited her, encouraged her and brought her kosher food.

Following an exposé by the investigative program Uvda on Israeli television revealing IDF intelligence officers using special agents for non-military operations, including being sent to a village in Judea and Samaria to buy techina for a gift, the officers in question were severely reprimanded. IDF Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Aviv Kochavi accepted the recommendations of the head of the Military Intelligence Directorate, Maj. Gen. Tamir Heyman, and stripped a lieutenant colonel of his rank for using an Arab undercover agent to deliver techina as a gift to a senior officer. The officer initiated the operation and also was not completely honest during his investigation and will be discharged from the IDF.
