The “Chareidi Service Center” of the Israel Police, the first of its kind in the country, was inaugurated on Wednesday with the participation of the Jerusalem District Commander, Major-General Doron Yedid, Chareidim10 reported. About a year ago, the Jerusalem police district commander began studying the issues surrounding police access to the Chareidi community. A staff of rabbanim, researchers and commanders who examined the subject recommended establishing a Chareidi police service center. Seven police officer recruits were selected from the Chareidi sector as well as a female Chareidi investigator recruit. They were trained in police tactics and dealing with the general civilian population as well as receiving special training for working with the Chareidi population.

Rabbi Micky Mellul, a Chabad shaliach in Creteil, France was in the US recently with a group of members from his community to spend “Shabbos by the Rebbe” in Crown Heights. The group visited Manhattan on Motzei Shabbos and had a disturbing encounter there, Rabbi Mellul told Collive. A homeless man approached Rabbi Mellul in Times Square and asked him if he was a rabbi and when Rabbi Mellul confirmed that he was, the man said: “I found something in the street. I want to make sandals from it but I first would like to know if it’s valuable.” The homeless man then proceeded to show him a blue velvet Tefillin bag with kosher Tefillin inside it.

Ten Israelis who landed in Moscow on Friday were denied entry to Russia and sent back to Israel. The Israeli tourists, six of whom were on an organized tour group, were detained in the airport after arriving in Moscow on an Aeroflot flight. The Israelis were called into another room, fingerprinted and required to provide a DNA sample. They were then told that they would be returning to Israel on a 7 p.m. flight. Meanwhile, they were required to remain in a small locked room for hours, a Maariv report said. When the plane arrived, the Israelis were led on the plane past all the lines by two airport officials.

A 19-year-old Arab worker at Yeshivas Yakirei Yerushalayim in the Geulah neighborhood of Jerusalem attacked a yeshivah bochur and threatened him with a knife on Thursday night, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported. Witnesses to the scene initially believed it was a terrorist attack and a Zaka volunteer who arrived at the scene held the Arab down until the police arrived. When the police arrived, they had to struggle to detain the Arab, who resisted the arrest. After the police questioned him, they discovered that a dispute had broken out between the Arab and one of the yeshivah bochurim. The Arab admitted that he had physically attacked the bochur but claimed that the bochur had provoked him.

The Israeli Air Force struck a number of Hamas terror targets in the Gaza Strip overnight on Friday in response to a barrage of attacks on Israel on Thursday and Friday. “A short time ago, IDF warplanes and aircraft struck a number of additional targets of the Hamas terror organization, including warehouses for the storage of weapons and underground infrastructure,” the IDF stated. “We hold Hamas responsible and will continue operating against any attempt to harm Israeli civilians.” A rocket was fired from the Gaza Strip on Friday night about 10:40 p.m. and Red Alert sirens blared in the Eshkol Regional Council area. The rocket was intercepted by the Iron Dome. Earlier on Friday night, a rocket was fired toward Sderot about 8:20 p.m. and the Red Code sirens were sounded.

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for There is an Exxon Gas Station store located in Lakewood, New Jersey with a kosher food section.  The store carries kosher nosh, sandwiches, and even all the Jewish magazines.  There is also a foreign worker behind the counter who secretly films single girls and married women shopping and paying […]

About 35 Chinese citizens who arrived in Israel over the weekend on a flight from Moscow were denied entry and sent back to Russia on a return flight. However, the saga didn’t end there as the Israelis on the flight panicked at the sight of the Chinese passengers wearing face masks and tried to leave the plane, a Ynet report said. Due to the commotion, the flight was significantly delayed. Interior Minister Aryeh Deri banned all foreign nationals who have recently been in China from entering Israel by plane or boat as international fear of the quickly spreading coronavirus continues to grow. China announced on Saturday that another 49 people have died from the virus, bringing the death count to a total of 250. A total of 11,971 people have been infected with the virus.

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu. With little fanfare, Britain left the European Union on Friday after 47 years of membership, taking a leap into the unknown in a historic blow to the bloc. The U.K.’s departure became official at 11 p.m. (2300GMT), midnight in Brussels, where the EU is headquartered. Thousands of enthusiastic Brexit supporters gathered outside Britain’s Parliament to welcome the moment they’d longed for since Britain’s 52%-48% vote in June 2016 to walk away from the club it had joined in 1973. The flag-waving crowd erupted in cheers as Big Ben bonged 11 times — on a recording. Parliament’s real bell has been silenced for repairs.

The Senate narrowly rejected Democratic demands to summon witnesses for President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial late Friday, all but ensuring Trump’s acquittal in just the third trial to threaten a president’s removal in U.S. history. But senators pushed off final voting on his fate to next Wednesday. The delay in timing showed the weight of a historic vote bearing down on senators, despite prodding by the president eager to have it all behind him in an election year and ahead of his State of the Union speech Tuesday night. Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell spoke by phone to lock in the schedule during a tense night at the Capitol as rushed negotiations proceeded on and off the Senate floor. The trial came to a standstill for about an hour.

Red alerts were sounded on Friday evening, around 10:40 p.m., in the Eshkol Regional Council, located near the Gaza border. The sirens sounded again on Motzei Shabbos in Nachal Oz and Kibbutz Alumim. The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit confirmed that on Friday night one rocket was fired from Gaza towards the area and on Motzei Shabbos three rockets were fired and one landed in an open field. The other two were shot down. The attacks were the third and fourth rocket attacks in 48 hours on southern Israel. Additionally, terrorists from Gaza continually launched balloon bombs against Israel on Shabbos. No injuries or damage were reported. Some balloon bombs landed in Sderot while others landed in various areas some being quite distant from the Gaza Strip.
