After terror group airs undated footage apparently showing Israeli held in Strip since 2014, Agurnesh Mengistu says son looks the same; Foreign Ministry urges pope, UN to act

A day after terror group airs undated footage purportedly showing Israeli held in Strip since 2014, PM appears to confirm its authenticity

Terror group says prisoners will only be released if Israel pays 'decent price;' IDF spokesperson pans 'unethical' behavior in publishing clip, declines to authenticate it

In Vatican meeting with relatives of captives and slain soldiers whose bodies remain in Gaza, pontiff says he will liaise with governments and Muslim religious leaders

Likud leader offers incoming premier four months of quiet, but indicates opposition won't lay down arms in run up to new elections as sides fail to come to terms on defense updates

On his first day, new premier slated to sit down with Shin Bet chief, then hold a meeting on the issue of Hamas captives; in first, PM's office to be headed by woman

Addressing terror group's claim that his son's health has deteriorated, Sha’aban al-Sayed says he is prepared to wait to see him freed

Foreign minister's agenda for trip said to include shaky ceasefire with Hamas, Israelis being held in the Strip; will return smuggled antiquities

Foreign minister's agenda for trip said to include the shaky ceasefire with Hamas, Israelis being held in the Strip; unclear if he'll meet Sissi

Meeting described as a routine update PM provides to families of those held in Gaza
