State party chairman says Republican candidate was unaware depiction invokes antisemitic tropes, accepts offer for training on antisemitism from local Jewish group

Anti-Defamation League decries as antisemitic the use of puppet-master imagery, such as used by Kim Crockett's campaign, to depict Jewish philanthropist

Right-wing leader frequently accused of antisemitism singles out Jewish Ukrainian president and billionaire philanthropist as obstacles

Right-wing populist government is in tight race for power with alliance of opposition parties whose largest contingent comes from far-right Jobbik party

Anti-Defamation League says image of Jewish philanthropist manipulating officials peddles 'longstanding antisemitic tropes about Jewish power'

European Court of Justice says Orban's government broke EU law by criminalizing helping refugees to apply for asylum

Republican made false claim that Soros was planting political activists on school boards; said to have been 'spouting off antisemitic tropes, just to fire up his base' at rally

Pamela Shifman cites centrality of 'tikkun olam' in her upbringing, suggests antisemitic undercurrent to calling Democracy Alliance 'George Soros’s shadowy dark money donor club'

Glenn Youngkin, who is running for governor, claims the Jewish billionaire is partly to blame for 'present chaos in our schools,' even though he didn't back school board candidates

Janez Jansa accused several members of European Parliament delegation on press freedom of being 'puppets' of Jewish billionaire George Soros
