With US national elections a year away, campaign ads are ramping up, portraying Biden as a 'steadfast friend' of Israel and 'defender' of American Jews
The post In a shift, US Democrats are focusing their Jewish campaign on Israel policy appeared first on The Times of Israel.

Surveys show president picked up as much as 6% more Jewish support compared to 2016, and even more in important battleground of Florida, though some question results

While ADL chief calls JDCA campaign spot 'deeply offensive to the memories' of Holocaust victims, his predecessor says 'it’s not Nazism, but our antennas are quivering'

Conventions hosted by both political communities differ on all topics, except the belief that Jews in the Sunshine State could sway the presidential election

Fringe activists are comparing governors fighting COVID-19 to Hitler; Jewish leaders fear the conspiratorial rhetoric will lead to violence against community

Pro-Israel group pulls four Facebook ads, including one which claimed that some US lawmakers could pose a greater threat than the Islamic State

PM says free speech is not 'carte blanche' for anti-Semitic attacks on Jews and Israel; Lapid welcomes 'kick at boycott' movement

Measure that condemns any West Bank annexation passes mostly on partisan lines and comes after two leaders discussed prospects of extending Israeli sovereignty over Jordan Valley

Barring Omar and Tlaib fuels the previously marginal argument that Israel doesn't live up to its proclaimed democratic ideals, and shouldn't be treated as America's greatest ally

Reform leader accuses president of emboldening mass shooters by 'demonizing asylum seekers and immigrants'
