An ultra-Orthodox rom-com and a weighty family drama offer glimpses of ultra-Orthodox community in new movies

Shouting 'We will die and not be drafted,' demonstrators from extremist ultra-Orthodox sect bar vehicles from accessing capital's main entrance, intersection near bus station

Ultra-Orthodox institutions are currently required to teach subjects like English and math to get state funding. If this campaign promise is fulfilled, that might change

Ultra-Orthodox factions agree to maintain UTJ alliance in exchange for letting schools eschew core curriculum and still get public money, should right-religious bloc retake power

Police arrest four after hundreds demonstrate against extension of train line into ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods; security guard at construction site filmed beating young protester

Prosecutors say accused sat in holes dug by builders and refused to leave despite police calls, while three of the accused defied legal orders to stay away from zone

Finance Minister Liberman says the situation is 'intolerable'; construction company files lawsuits against key individuals involved in protests as riots cause delays in work

Knesset correspondent Carrie Keller-Lynn discusses parliamentary battles and negotiations and reporter Amy Spiro deep-dives into the aftermath of the Chaim Walder abuse scandal

Lego rabbis, Hasidic coloring books and teen books -- minus the boyfriends -- are just a few ways in which popular culture has been adapted for Haredi kids

The tale of Hasidic power and impossible love is laced with fantasy and reverie
