Ruling, taken as a precautionary measure, goes into effect immediately and will last until further notice

Meretz MK says bill is too quick to hand over medical, personal data; Likud committee head pushes back, says saving lives trumps privacy

Arieh Avni, who recently said 'anyone who administers a vaccine is, to me, like Mengele,' has reportedly forged immunization certificates and mask exemptions for pay

Health union warns legislation will undermine trust in municipalities; labor union, businesses said close to deal on banning unvaccinated going in to work

Recommendation comes on heels of study indicating one dose could be 75 percent effective

Clashing claims come after covert meeting of health officials in Ramallah to discuss cooperation on pandemic

Recommendation by taskforce likely to be approved, with all who have beaten back the coronavirus allowed to get a shot 3 months after recovery

Top official promises 'uncompromising punishment' for forgeries; businesses and events will be able to open Sunday for those carrying the pass

Health Ministry says the members of foreign teams likely recovered recently from virus, as it defends letting them into country despite lockdown, closure of airport

Israel hits milestone of over 4 million first shots administered; some 1,996,000 others eligible to get immunized but have not done so
