Cylindrical altar from 3,000 years ago found in Jordan also offers first evidence of early Moabite script -- and could repaint picture of geopolitics in the ancient Levantine world
Points: 10
Captivated by biblical agriculture, Guy Erlich claims to have recreated perfumes used by Cleopatra, oils that anointed ancient Jewish kings
Points: -10
Hazor was the largest biblical-era site in Israel with an estimated population of 20,000, razed by the Israelites under the leadership of Joshua
Points: 0
For decades scholars sought the elusive site of Ziklag, where the Bible says David was given shelter by Philistine King Achish
Points: 7
Saying the holy book was the source of Israel's 'initiative, determination and daring,' Netanyahu promises to press ahead with a second attempt
Points: 12
Photographer Dikla Laor uses her Golan Heights home as backdrop to reimagine heroines from the Bible -- some of whom are not even named
Points: -9
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