Official says interaction best way to allay fears of anti-Semitism: 'There’s a lot of misinformation about refugees, the threat they pose and the benefits they bring'

HIAS, Reform movement lambaste new ceiling as 'un-American, shameful'

Dozens said arrested in New York as rallies held across the United States

'Our parents or grandparents, neighbors or community members once faced a similarly callous and unwelcoming world, with fatal consequences,' groups say in letter to Pompeo

'The Jewish people know what it means to be turned away and to be denied protection,' says petition, urging lawmakers to 'act immediately'

Jewish activists behind Never Again Action are in forefront of a civil disobedience campaign that deliberately uses Holocaust terminology to protest migrant detention centers

After Democratic members introduce legislation aimed at repealing president's immigration efforts, liberal groups led by HIAS send letter stating they stand by 'Muslim neighbors'

Letter references incident last month when Rep. Mo Brook quoted from Hitler’s book 'Mein Kampf' on the House floor
