Ova from women 40+ took on some characteristics of eggs from a 20-year-old after treatment with anti-viral medicine; Hebrew University team hopes method may boost fertility

Eight of 15 patients who receive NG-01 therapy as spinal injection see better disability scores; inventors say therapy may ‘dramatically improve’ patients' lives

Experiment with Doxil is now back on Earth, undergoing analysis in the hope it might point to a microgravity-induced effectiveness boost

We’re after the peak, but next 2 weeks likely to be just as bad as last 2, says Hebrew U. team modeling infection patterns; 4th shot credited with reducing hospital load by 30%

Hunter-gatherers on the Sea of Galilee 23,000 years ago enjoyed a broad diet and abundant food sources during an era of global scarcity, Hebrew University researchers say

Virus cases have passed half a million and are about to peak, but all indications are that the number of seriously ill patients is small enough to avoid health system crisis

Prof. Amnon Lahad calls prospect of virus crossing species 'very concerning,' as Health Ministry advises Israelis to avoid sick birds and not to buy unregulated chicken, eggs

1% of the population, including the PM, already in isolation, and that number will grow ‘very dramatically,’ says panel head Prof. Nadav Katz, predicting disruption in schools

Developers say blood test has broader applications as a 'liquid biopsy,' enabling doctors to detect some cancers and providing detailed info on immune system

Bacteria are safe from antibiotics when they’re in a chaotic state, says Hebrew University team, hoping drug-makers will respond with a new class of antibiotics
