Quoting Lincoln, attorney rejects petitioners' claim that law barring court or AG from ordering PM to step down was tailored to let Netanyahu violate conflict of interest deal

Chastened by failure, some champions of the Knesset's sovereignty and power are grudgingly, haltingly looking outside the parliament for a solution to the judiciary crisis

Baharav-Miara says Basic Laws 'cannot be used as a private resource to remove personal problems from one’s path'

FM Cohen conveys message that Ambassador Seibert's behavior was unacceptable; Berlin says his attendance accorded with his role as a diplomat

Editor David Horovitz on Netanyahu's US trip, and delay of Justice Minister Levin's High Court hearing; military correspondent Emanuel Fabian catches us up on weekend headlines

Weekly demonstrations shifted to Sunday due to Rosh Hashanah; organizers vow to protect Declaration of Independence after government lawyer downplays importance of document

Baharav-Miara sides with justice minister, who decried court for treating initial submission as his substantive argument on matter, but says injunction against him should stand

Zman Yisrael editor Biranit Goren and senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur grapple with what the justice minister's endgame is and the need for a constitution to teach us how to play it

Order switches burden of proof onto justice minister, who tells court it is unable to force him to have committee meet, as he seeks to expand government control of judiciary

Knesset speaker says new body would 'deliberate values... from the world of ideology,' accused of trying to cow justices as they mull striking down law curbing judiciary powers
