Some 2,500 survivors to receive direct compensation of 5,000 euros this year, which Claims Conference says 'will go a long way for some of the more vulnerable'
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Murdered in Kibbutz Holit, October 7, he was sent to a concentration camp at age 9, and succeeded in fleeing it at 11

As the US Holocaust Memorial Museum was bathed in blue and white Wednesday night in support of Israel, 15 survivors shared their unique take on this week's horrors

Though their city has grown significantly since WWII, Novi Sad's Jews still haven't recovered from their near decimation. But what they lack in numbers they make up for in tenacity

Active in speaking about the Shoah, Fahidi wrote a memoir of her experiences and was also well-known for dance performances at the age of 90

Seth Stern's new book 'Speaking Yiddish to Chickens' tells how his grandparents joined thousands of other Jews in a plucky venture as they rebuilt their lives in rural America

Announcement follows campaign by Jewish groups in response to auction house's sale of jewelry belonging to the late heiress to the fortune of a former Nazi Party member

Frankfurt-born author moved to pre-state Israel after WWII, served in army, before immigrating to US with husband to pursue studies of how kids discern dreams and reality

In 'Hitler, Stalin, Mum and Dad,' journalist and politician Daniel Finkelstein tells of his forebears' separate grim escapes from gulags and Nazi camps before settling in the UK
