Defense minister says Islamic Republic also funding Hamas with $100 million annually, gives hundreds more millions to Yemen's Houthis, other militias in Syria, Iraq

In briefing with reporters, defense minister says Iran 'driving force in convergence of arenas,' proxies becoming more brazen in attacks

Crush occurs at school in Houthi-controlled Sana'a where charity was being disbursed ahead of Eid al-Fitr holiday, in latest tragedy to strike war-ravaged country

Flights to carry detainees between Saudi Arabia and Yemen over three days, as international efforts seek to end long-running conflict between Houthis and Riyadh-backed government

Analysts say that after 8-year campaign against Houthi rebels, Riyadh wants to 'wash its hands' off the situation to focus on ambitious rebranding effort aimed at drawing tourists

Joint statement announcing China-brokered rapprochement deal identifies 2-month window for sides to formally restart relations, reopen diplomatic missions after 7-year rupture

Long-sought operation to avert spill that could decimate Red Sea coastal communities and marine life follows deal with Iran-backed Houthi rebels, drawn-out fundraising campaign

Tehran says deal with Riyadh will promote efforts to renew ceasefire, lead to inclusive government; since 2014, conflict has become proxy war between the two regional powers

Ship found to be carrying anti-tank missiles and fins for ballistic missile assemblies; despite widespread evidence, Iran denies supplying Houthi rebels with arms

Iranians deny involvement in shipment intercepted last month in Gulf of Oman; US Central Command says vessel was on route historically used by Iranians to illegally traffic weapons
