Novaya Gazeta reporter Elena Milashina suffers brain injury and broken fingers, attorney Alexander Nemov a gash in his leg; Kremlin lawmakers condemn assault

The two were detained in May 2015 for belonging to an unidentified group that allegedly smuggles explosives into country

In possible violating of Geneva Convention, at least 6,000 children as young as 4 months said taken to 43 camps across Russia to receive 'patriotic and military-related education'

As violence escalates in Ukraine, reports of abuses perpetrated by Russia become widespread, especially in the recently liberated Kherson region

Volker Tuerk has spent many years working for the UN refugee agency and if confirmed would succeed Michelle Bachelet, an outspoken critic of Israel's human rights record

Zelensky says troops recaptured several settlements in country's northeast Kharkiv region; UN says there are 'credible' accusations Ukrainian children forcibly moved to Russia

With 251 hangings confirmed so far Iran is on track to soon surpass its 2021 total, although the real number may be even higher, watchdogs say; trials called 'grossly unfair'

Ambassador says Washington will continue to oppose Human Rights Council's singular focus on Jewish state; panel panned for giving spots to abusive regimes like Eritrea, UAE

Human rights report names chapter 'Israel, West Bank and Gaza,' as in Trump era, but areas themselves labeled 'occupied' for first time in years

Penalties, handed down despite threats of retaliation from Beijing, freeze Xinjiang-based officials' assets in EU, bar them from traveling in bloc
