Organizers claim the protest by pro-Palestinian groups IfNotNow and Jewish Voice for Peace drew 10,000; speakers included far-left Congress members Rashida Tlaib and Cori Bush

The three-time champ says the inevitable backlash for her pro-Palestinian IfNotNow activism was 'priced in' to her public appearance -- but support from fellow contestants wasn't

Group's 2016 platform backed BDS and accused Israel of committing 'genocide' against Palestinians; US Jews who want to fight racism wonder whether the issue will come up again

Senator pressed by member of IfNotNow; does not push back against description of pro-Israel lobby as 'allied with Islamaphobes and white-nationalists'

Donald Trump Jr. responds to Jewish demonstrator by saying he doesn't 'think anyone’s done more for Israel and American Jews' than his father

Left-wing organizations say peace proposal undermines two-state solution to conflict; AIPAC says it recognizes Israel's 'critical security needs'

Legislation welcomed by some as a necessary measure, while others condemn it as anti-Semitic and a stifling of the freedom to criticize Israel

US president tells one of his backers at rally he has a 'weight problem' and to start exercising in response to IfNotNow protest

Jewish left-winger with long history of activism joins Massachusetts senator's 2020 presidential campaign, but draws fire over support for boycotts of Israel

The progressive US Jewish group is hitting the campaign trail and pressing presidential hopefuls on take a stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict — and getting answers
