Head of outlawed group convicted for speeches supporting gunmen who killed 2 cops at Temple Mount in 2017, sparking more violence

Following bitter exchange and amid tensions over his criminal indictment, premier meets with Mandelblit for first parlay since March

PM asserts Mandelblit 'allowing spilling of family's blood'; the latter notes 29 probes opened into threats, adds leaders must 'tone down bluster and discourse of hatred'

Decision comes after organizers of rallies outside Netanyahu residence filed complaint against Yona Avrushmi over threats aired in TV interview

Anti-Netanyahu protest group demands immediate arrest of Yona Avrushmi after he calls them 'germs,' suggests counter-demonstrators 'know what to do'

Removal of pages, one of which likened PM to Hitler, comes days after social media firm took down another fraudulent account that premier complained had threatened him

Prime minister later condemns all incitement to violence, urges opposition leaders to curb murderous threats against him he says are often voiced at anti-government demonstrations

Cop tells private citizen his use of undoctored photo, in which the PM appears to make a Nazi salute, is a criminal offense, and warns him he could be summoned for questioning

Clip purportedly shows protesters at recent rallies threatening to kill premier and his family amid growing atmosphere of violence surrounding demonstrations

Judges say firebrand head of outlawed group gave speeches in support of gunmen who killed 2 police officers at Temple Mount in 2017, sparking more violence
