Airing weekly in the US through Nov. 16, the show draws on the experiences of co-creator Jennifer Podemski, a victim of the 'Sixties Scoop' torn from her mother's arms
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The star of the hit FX series 'Reservation Dogs' talks about her dual identities, growing up with a Holocaust survivor grandfather, reparations, and why she loves matzah ball soup

Figure of woman with clenched fist pointing toward skyscrapers meant to represent 5 centuries of 'indigenous resistance,' says Claudia Sheinbaum, granddaughter of Jewish immigrants

A Tu B'Shvat event in San Francisco jointly celebrated by Wilderness Torah and JeWitch Collective focuses on power of fire and native knowledge

Harvard-educated Mark Plotkin does a literal take on tikkun olam by fighting deforestation and working to preserve untouched societies in the heart of the Amazon rainforest