Muslims, Christians and Jews are building interfaith bridges amid rising tensions fueled by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Initiative by 'Roots' advocacy group brings two sides together at home near Gush Etzion settlement bloc, honors Palestinian who rescued Jewish family from rock attack

A local landowner invited a British delegation to add to his grove, in what some view as a sign of growing religious openness

Francis will attend a conference attended by Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Shinto and Jewish leaders and promote 'the peace for which our world is thirsting,' he says

Sheikh Mohammed al-Issa speaks of Muslim obligation to bring hearts together; Israeli commentator says Saudis' choice of 'Zionist imam' is 'significant signal'

Israeli rabbi, American Jewish philanthropist, Chabad rabbi put on interfaith event in Chernitski with a message from the pope

Chairman of the Samaria Regional Council Yossi Dagan hosts local Palestinian leaders for Iftar break-fast in rare display of coexistence

In emotional TV interview, Hassen Chalghoumi says his family has been assaulted, harassed for years over his interfaith work

Director of moderate Muslim group's outreach branch suspended after exposé reveals years of antisemitic statements published on Facebook

Himmah to reportedly allocate some of donation to the Salaam Shalom Kitchen Nottingham, which aims to 'build community cohesion and break down barriers'
