Adel Abdul Mahdi says investigation indicates Jerusalem behind recent strikes on bases, weapon depots belonging to powerful Shiite militias; IDF declines to comment on statements
The crossing, which was retaken from Islamic State in 2017, is located near alleged Iranian-controlled compound seen as key to facilitating Iran's arms shipments
New fortifications, roads, buildings seen in satellite images of compound near Iraq; heavy construction also spotted nearby at border crossing believed to be under Tehran's control
Israel's reported actions against pro-Iranian militias in the Arab state have exposed internal US differences, underline delicate balancing act required by all sides
Ahmad al-Assadi, member of parliamentary bloc representing pro-Iran militias, says Iraq readying to file complaint at the UN over series of drone attacks on paramilitary groups
Unidentified UAV targets convoy of Iraqi Shiite militia, killing field commander and at least 5 other fighters, amid spiraling tensions between Jerusalem and Tehran
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