Knesset correspondent Carrie Keller-Lynn and legal reporter Jeremy Sharon on yesterday's Day of Resistance and how the 'godfather' of the reasonableness bill disavows paternity

US president tells NY Times’s Tom Friedman that 'vibrancy of Israel’s democracy' is at heart of ties between the 2 countries, but threatened by unilateral moves to weaken judiciary

US president avoids publicly mentioning judicial reform but privately says compromise vital, and that internal crisis complicates efforts to advance regional peace

Administration was worried attention had turned to alleged snub rather than irresponsible Israeli policies, US official says, noting that no date for sit-down has actually been set

Zman Yisrael editor Biranit Goren and senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur on today's Day of Disruption against the judicial overhaul, Netanyahu's 'invite' to meet with Biden

Israel's domestic fight intensifies while the Biden White House continues to blast Netanyahu's government; but there are signs that the president is coming at just the right time

Jayapal says she does not believe 'Israel as a nation is racist' but that its 'government has engaged in racist policies,' after her party's leaders pushed back on earlier remark

Conversation comes day before Herzog touches down in Washington where he'll meet US president for second time in nine months, while PM wait for similar invite nears seven months

President will be feted in US capital, a sharp contrast with continued White House criticism of government over settlements, judicial overhaul

Though he will be welcomed as a close friend in Washington, the president will have a hard time convincing the administration to temper its alarm over the Netanyahu government
