PM refutes TV report he is exerting heavy pressure on panel; Riyadh's desire to enrich uranium as part of civilian nuclear program worries officials in Jerusalem and Washington

While PM maintains authority over Israel Atomic Energy Commission, minister will reportedly be his representative; opposition MK slams putting firebrand lawmaker in sensitive role

In letter to Netanyahu, Zeev Snir notes judicial shakeup was not a key goal that PM set for government, rails at branding of protesters as 'leftists, anarchists and terrorists'

Designed to resemble Israel's Declaration of Independence, petition warns judicial revamp poses 'real danger' to country, says leaders should seek broad consensus for changes

At annual conference, Atomic Energy Commission chief Moshe Edri says Tehran and Damascus are deceiving IAEA

PM makes veiled reference to country's purported nukes, in apparent warning to Tehran; Alternative PM Bennett says 'enormous resources' put into preventing nuclear-armed Iran

Charge sheet for plea bargain states employee at secretive body broke in at least 70 times over 18-month period; no details given on motive; gag order imposed on details of case

A disaster at Israel's reactor would be far less catastrophic than the 1986 meltdown, but the core is being kept in service far longer than intended, and experts warn that's risky

Former Israeli atomic official Elie Geisler describes guarding a plutonium core, as well as plans to turn it into a nuclear bomb, during the 1967 Six Day War