Bloc's foreign policy chief rejects Trump peace plan, say it breaks with 'internationally agreed parameters'; Israel retorts that Europe's policy will leave it 'sidelined'

Anti-immigration advocates and mother of slain policewoman indicted on charges that could land them in prison for up to six years

Brussels' new foreign policy czar reissues statement denouncing West Bank construction after first version could be read to imply it isn't all illegal under international law

Move would be a counter to recent US declaration that it no longer views Israel's West Bank settlements as illegal

At Security Council meeting on US settlements decision, Palestinians scoff at Washington's stance as undermining 'what is left of US credibility'

Bloc condemns 'deplorable' vandalism, Israel's foreign minister 'appalled'; unconfirmed report says anti-immigrant activist and mother of slain cop behind attack

According to nonbinding opinion, packaging must state that 'products originate in the occupied territories'

Since Horizon 2020 was set up in 2014, it has funded 1,062 Israeli recipients to the tune of 742 million euros

In Jerusalem, senior minister urges envoys to 'persuade' European governments to stop funding BDS organizations
