Avi Gabbay not expected to seek reelection after center-left party falls to just six seats in last week's election

'Israel is Bibi's nation,' declares US magazine; last time prime minister received honor was in 2015, also an election year

At the Hadassah-Meir Shfeyah youth village, a diverse group of teens from Israel's most vulnerable populations get tools for life by performing hands-on work outside the classroom

President, elections committee head dismiss New Right's criticism of vote count; committee director blasts 'unbridled attacks' on public servants

Knesset commission of inquiry lambastes financial sector for 'systematically' extending or writing off loans for rich while pursuing small debtors 'to last cent'

Justice minister says there's 'more work to do' in reforming Supreme Court and justice system, but concedes she won't be involved 'for a period that I cannot put a time limit on'

Israeli team concludes first phase of probe into Beresheet's crash landing, says it hopes second mission can be completed within 2 years

Pop diva confirms first show in Israel during international leg of her 'It's My Party' tour

Zandberg writes letter to attorney general, calling party deals that would benefit Netanyahu legally 'a severe violation of the public interest'

Donning glittery tails that could cost up to $800, a 1,000-strong community of Israeli enthusiasts insist they are hooked on the growing trend
