Confluence of Christian and Jewish festivals leads to flocks of tourists amid festive atmosphere in the holy city

No other democratic parliament in the world comes close to Israel when it comes to the number of laws proposed by private members. This is not a good thing

Palestinian media reports IDF destroys Hebron home of Arafat Irfaiya, charged in the rape and murder of 19-year-old Ori Ansbacher in February

Unnamed sources said to caution that potential justice ministers will 'destroy' court, raise alarm over fears new public security minister will allow Jewish rituals on Temple Mount

French flag is projected onto massive complex next to Old City walls; Mayor Moshe Lion offers Parisians 'a warm embrace'

Checkpoints, crossings to remain shuttered from Friday morning until next Saturday, except for humanitarian and other outstanding cases

Head of the failed right-wing party's outreach to English speakers says Caroline Glick's candidacy drew wide support from oft-ignored population, but could have gotten more

Proposed legislation on army conscription has emerged as biggest obstacle to Netanyahu's coalition-building, with Avigdor Liberman insisting on current version of bill

Haaretz editor blasts police for arrests, calls on force to release seized cameras and other equipment

Indictment alleges managers of marijuana distribution network were knowingly involved, and sometimes even encouraged sale of drugs to minors
