Vandalism of MDA Bloodmobile Believed Connected To Ethiopian CommunityA Magen David Adom mobile blood bank was the target of a graffiti attack in Petach Tikvah.
The attack occurred on the night of motzei Shabbos. Vandals wrote “Police state” in Hebrew on the vehicle.
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Shaked Expected To Take The Second Slot On The United Right-Wing TicketPersons close to former minister, Ayelet Shaked, signal that she is close to accepting the offer to run in the number two slot on the URWP ticket in the upcoming Knesset Election, on Tuesday, September 17, 2019.
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 11-Year-Old Chaim Binyomin Biegeleisen Z”L Is Niftar After Struck By Car On PesachYWN regrets to inform you of the tragic petira of 11-year-old Chaim Binyomin Biegeleisen Z”L, who was the victim of a hit-and-run on Golda Meir Blvd. in Jerusalem’s Ramot neighborhood during Chol Hamoed Pesach.

Newly Elected Meretz Leader Calls To Shut Down The Chief RabbinateNitzan Horowitz, the incoming leader of the left-wing Meretz party, is calling to shut down the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. This is prompted by the Chief Rabbinate’s refusal to revoke the semicha of Rabbi Moti Elon, a rav convicted of assaults against talmidim.
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 Five Soldier Injured In Suspected Car-Ramming AttackFive IDF soildiers were injured in a suspected car-ramming attack on Motzei Shabbos near the West Bank town of Hizma, northeast of Jerusalem.
MDA and United Hatzalah treated the victims and report that two soldiers are in moderate condition and three were lightly injured.
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Prominent Anti-Israel BDS Lawyer Commits SuicideIt was a sad end to a deeply misguided soul. On the outside, Simone Burns appeared to be an international human rights lawyer who was concerned about the plight of the Palestinian people.
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Who Were the Philistines? New Discoveries Have AnswersThey are a very prominent enemy in the Jewish bible. As a youth, King David defeated one of their mightiest of warriors – Goliath. Samson killed a thousand of their warriors with the jawbone of a donkey.
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IDF Announces That Reform Rabbis Can Now Lead IDF FuneralsHiddush is an Israeli-based organization that will often pursue anti-Torah hashkafos. In 2017, it petitioned the Israeli Court to require that the IDF’s regulations be amended to permit military burials that would also allow for clergy that deny the tenets of classical Judaism.

Jerusalem District Police Arrest an Arab Impersonating a Physician in a Jerusalem ClinicJerusalem district police arrested an Arab resident of the eastern capital who posed as a physician, working in a local clinic, treating patients seeking “aesthetic changes” as well as prescribing medications.

Rafi Peretz’s Demands for Achdus Don’t Include Marzel & GupsteinThe buzz word today in the right-wing camp is ‘achdus’ as efforts to unite parties with Bayit Yehudi ahead of elections continue. Bayit Yehudi chairman, Rabbi Rafi Peretz, continues calling for achdus, but he does have conditions attached to such a move.
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