Lapid says dispatch of Yacov Livne to Warsaw six months after cutting ties comes in order to 'enhance assistance to Israeli citizens crossing the border from Ukraine to Poland'

Cybersleuths claim agrarian social movement leader Michal Kolodziejczak and Tomasz Szwejgiert, co-author of a book about the head of Poland's secret services, were targeted

Jerusalem has also yet to send its top diplomat back to Warsaw after controversial restitution legislation that Israeli officials called 'antisemitic and immoral'

Jerusalem's chargés d'affaires expected to return to Warsaw, while Israel appears to balk at full restoration of ambassadors following spat over Holocaust restitution legislation

Minister announces detention of suspects after 'disgraceful event'; community group: Polish Jews 'haven't experienced such hatred in public for years'

In latest condemnation of last week's chanting of 'Death to Jews,' Andrzej Duda says incident was 'barbarism,' goes against Poland's values

March commemorating Poland’s independence featured hundreds of far-right activists shouting antisemitic slogans, including 'Death to Jews,' burning text on Jewish rights

Polish opposition senator tells ToI that a diplomatic spat over Holocaust restitution legislation can be put to bed, but Jerusalem sticks to demand that Warsaw fix law first

Some experts question wisdom of foreign minister's enraged response to Warsaw's newly passed controversial restitution law

Former Israeli consul-general to New York says he's taking on role with 'awe and reverence'; appointment comes at key time for Holocaust remembrance amid spat with Poland
