Against backdrop of argument with Russia over World War II, Andrzej Duda says he won't attend Auschwitz commemoration if Putin is allowed to address the event but he isn't

Ambassadors of the two countries decry the glorification of wartime Ukrainian nationalists 'who promoted... ethnic cleansing' of Jews and Poles

Diplomats join US ambassador in citing historical consensus that Hitler-Stalin pact and invasion of Poland sparked war

Plea deal sees indictment amended to remove threat offense, says Arik Lederman didn't know envoy Magierowski was the man he harassed

Jan Tomasz Gross was accused of insulting the Polish nation for claiming Poles killed more Jews during World War II than they killed Nazis

Flyers demanding an end to Holocaust property restitution show images of Israeli diplomats and Jewish figures

Duda's office says Jewish Insider 'made up' a report according to which the president accused Jerusalem of responsibility for rising hate

In meeting with Jewish leaders in New York, Duda reportedly shocked attendees by suggesting offensive comments by Israeli FM were cause for rise in hate

'If someone doesn't have anything to hide, they don't have anything to fear,' says deputy prime minister; technology has been used by authoritarian regimes to stifle dissent

With relations between countries fraying, federation uses loaded term associated with anti-Semitic massacres to describe 4-0 drubbing
