Activists at Israeli consulate call for US support, give backing to protest movement in Israel, as similar rallies take place in several cities in US and Europe
White House hails debate in Israel over judicial reforms as a 'healthy part of a vibrant democracy' while again warning that they shouldn't be passed without broad consensus
Russia vetoes resolution to extend aid delivery through Bab al-Hawa crossing; alternative Russian proposal favorable to Syrian regime rejected by Western powers
Foreign Ministry says diplomats working with local authorities and Interpol to secure release of prisoner, who says in voice message: 'I wouldn't wish this upon my enemies'
Assessed damage is $15 million, but pledges are already above $45 million; afraid Ramallah will pocket the leftover money, some Palestinians call for transparency mechanism
Ukrainian president says military alliance providing fodder for Russia to 'continue its terror' by backing Kyiv but not moving forward with making it a member
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