Career diplomat, war veteran Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman fends off Republican questioning of his judgment and loyalty as he testifies at presidential impeachment hearing

At it embraces socially conscious investing, concerns surround $233 million in Novalpina Capital, majority owner of NSO Group

Military says strikes in retaliation for rocket fire, coordinated with Russia; 'You're not immune,' defense minister warns Iranian leaders

Patrick Carlineo admits to charges that carry up to 10 years in prison, insists he never meant to actually harm the controversial congresswoman

Owner of Psagot winery, who recently lost battle against EU over labeling his products, hails 'historic' US decision to stop considering Jewish communities illegal

Coalition-approved decision calls on government to object to EU court's ruling as discriminatory, unless similar standards are applied to all disputed territories around the world

Intel report says Tehran committed to becoming dominant power in Middle East, warns it is making rapid progress developing attack drones and other missile systems

Administration figures add the move also should not be seen as support for 'unrestrained building'; US ambassador to Israel said behind shift in American approach

Footage shows nighttime blasts over capital as authorities claim they downed enemy missiles

US president attacks 'sick' media for reports that he could be feeling ill following surprise trip to Walter Reed , says it was 'very routine physical'
