Upset at 'bully tactics' against Israeli Arabs, sheikh says 'Bibi will sell his soul to win'; calls PM's pledge to annex Jordan Valley a 'watershed' for peace hopes in the region

Statement by US president follows reports the two leaders were weighing such an announcement to help PM in Tuesday's elections

Norbert Hofer is known as the friendly face of the anti-immigrant Freedom Party, but critics call him a dangerous ideologue

Martin Indyk disputes PM's claim he shot down rival Gantz's efforts on proposal to evacuate Jordan Valley

Oil ministry says agreement shows US can't stop Tehran with sanctions

Turkish leader states intention to follow up on matter with his American counterpart at the UNGA; says EU must give more support for Syrian refugees or 'we will open the gates'

Strikes by Tehran-backed Houthis spark huge fire at processor crucial to global energy supplies amid heightened tensions between Iran and US

Report says US president made remark in earshot of top Egyptian officials while waiting to meet with Mideast leader at G7 in France

No immediately claim of responsibility for attack which comes after previous drone strikes by Yemen's Houthi rebels

Jewish speaker of Britain's House of Commons, John Bercow, says disobeying law over possible delay to EU exit 'would be the most terrible example to set to the rest of society'
