Jewish leaders say Jair Bolsonaro's 'Work, unity and the truth will set Brazil free' slogan offends memory of Holocaust victims

Local leaders say blue and white banners at pro-Bolsonaro rallies against virus restrictions and Supreme Court send wrong message about Jewish community's pluralist nature

In rant on his blog, Ernesto Araujo also calls measures to contain the coronavirus a communist plot

Focus on Dr. Nelson Teich's religion raises hackles among Brazilian Jewry, with one left-leaning group calling it a 'conspiracy theory,' while others say it's outright anti-Semitic

Countries have put forward various proposals for reopening economies and allowing people to return to work despite the ongoing coronavirus crisis -- but some say it's too soon

Jewish group says comment by Allan dos Santos, a Bolsonaro supporter, 'disregards the suffering of the victims'; official calls him a 'scoundrel'

With apparent eye on reelection, Brazilian president has largely dismissed COVID-19 pandemic, risking backlash if outbreak leads to major health crisis in the country

80-year-old president and entire staff undergo examination, after Netanyahu and his close aides did the same hours earlier and were found to be virus-free

Neither PM nor his advisers have shown symptoms, his office says; Trump, Trudeau, Bolsonaro were tested for virus only after exposure

Brazilian leader rails at press following reports he contracted COVID-19, days after meeting in Florida with Trump; aide who has virus had posed for photo with US president
