Nise Yamaguchi, a veteran at leading Jewish hospital in Sao Paulo, criticized by some for mentioning Nazi scare tactics while speaking out against panic surrounding coronavirus

After WHO concludes controversial drug doesn't help treat COVID-19, Brazilian president says 'it worked' for him, days after confirming he was infected

President, long dismissive of COVID-19, which has killed at least 65,000 Brazilians, claims his symptoms are helped by Trump-promoted hydroxychloroquine

With cases skyrocketing nationwide and Bolsonaro confirmed infected, beach city's Jewish community turns to online dance, chats and lessons, and many consider making move to Israel

239 international scientists say infectious particles could travel well beyond 2 meters, upending accepted understanding of coronavirus transmission

Brazilian president says he's feeling fine and would like to go on a walk, but can't 'due to medical recommendations'

President vetoes clauses requiring face coverings in churches, schools, shops and factories as country reports its second highest daily increase in infections

China records fall amid strict containment regulations; Germany and South Korea see increases; outbreak in Normandy leads to worries in France; UK lowers threat level

Country, whose leader has rejected COVID-19 fears, now has nearly 42,000 fatalities and 829,000 confirmed infections, with true numbers believed to be far higher

Health Ministry says cumulative death toll will be publicized but with changes in tallying methodology; move comes after allegations that government was hiding severity of pandemic
