Mideast envoy updates council members on 'rapidly deteriorating situation' after terror shooting, Jenin operation; US warns against backing Palestinian measures at UN

Almog Cohen of the Otzma Yehudit party was praising IDF for operation in Jenin in which 9 Palestinians were killed, says it's clear he was referring to terrorists, not bystanders

Urgent closed-door session Friday requested by UAE, China and France as tensions snowball following IDF raid on northern West Bank city that left nine Palestinians dead

Egypt, Jordan, Turkey and Arab League blast Israel for operation that killed 9, including a civilian; Hamas warns Israel will pay price

Military chief Halevi orders army to 'increase preparedness' after raid against 'ticking time bomb' squad in northern West Bank; Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad threaten response

Army confirms troops operating in city's refugee camp; footage shows Palestinians shooting down small military drone

Lion's Den claims responsibility for targeting troops in northern West Bank; no soldiers or Palestinians reported hurt in clashes

Palestinian media say Adham Jabareen, 28, was a commander in the terror group's local wing, Jawad Bawaqta, 38, was teacher; no immediate comment from military

At the time of January 2 incident, military said troops came under 'massive gunfire' in West Bank village Kafr Dan while razing residences of gunmen who killed officer in September

Media reports say troops detain at least one suspect in Qabatiya; local wing of Palestinian Islamic Jihad claims to open fire at soldiers
