In fourth day of Hollywood mogul's testimony, PM's defense attorney seeks to prove two men had a genuine friendship, not a transactional relationship

Visiting former top diplomat talks with Israel Katz about plans to swap energy for desalinated water, discusses moves to combat warming with Idit Silman

Agreement declares 'positive potential prospects' of projects shown in feasibility studies; signed in presence of US climate envoy John Kerry at COP27 climate conference in Egypt

Underlining alleged quid pro quo in Case 1000, Hadas Klein says ex-PM called Milchan to ask him to buy Sara a necklace and ring, worth $2,000. Milchan said: 'There’s no choice'

Israel nixed a US-proposed committee with Jordan to iron out disagreements on flashpoint site after 2021 war; now, those unresolved issues have come home to roost

Biden had criticized Chinese counterpart for not attending the Glasgow conference; both nations' envoys stress they agree to put differences aside for climate

Former US secretary of state cites Israeli minister's 2018 speech mentioning raids, and State Department notes generally that such operations were public knowledge

China, Brazil and European nations also urged to attend virtual event to help boost efforts to cut climate-wrecking pollution

Agreement with United Arab Emirates to channel crude overland from Eilat on Red Sea to Ashkelon on Mediterranean 'contrary to new spirit of Israeli-US climate cooperation'

While Netanyahu critics Rice and Kerry won't be dealing with Iran or Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Israel reportedly concerned about role of former Iran deal negotiator Sherman
