In U-turn, US president indicates he doesn't have trust in South American county's opposition leader, Juan Guaido, despite recognizing him as acting president

Trump whistleblower, teen climate activist Greta Thunberg and Hong Kong student protesters among those who skyrocketed to global fame during the past year

After 44 years as chief rabbi, Pynchas Brener is ready for a new career in diplomacy. But so far, Jerusalem recognizes him only as interim leader Guaido's 'special representative'

Juan Guaido, recognized by Netanyahu as Venezuela's legitimate president, looks to restore ties with Jerusalem even as Maduro remains in power in Caracas

Former chief of regime's notorious SEBIN security police accuses president of heading 'criminal enterprise'

From a height of 25,000 members in the 1990s, the generations-old Jewish community is down to about 6,000 as the country's political and economic situation reaches a boiling point

Opposition calls for huge May Day protest after armed clashes erupt in capital Caracas

Beleaguered president congratulates armed forces for putting down 'putschist skirmishes,' but demonstrations continue throughout Caracas

Declaring 'the moment is now,' opposition leader Guaido appears in video backed by heavily armed soldiers