Avichai Mandelblit argues role of military advocate general works better when having both defense and prosecutorial hats, and hints he's also talking about his own job

New Hope leader discusses court system with top justice; has vowed to bring major changes to the office and is working to split the job of attorney general into two roles

Ministers in right-center-left coalition have presented a mixture of policies that include overhauling public transportation, splitting AG's role, 5-day school week

Justice Ministry says an appeal was filed against closure of initial investigation into October 2015 incident in which Palestinian was shot dead after stabbing an Israeli teen

Internal affairs body says officer felt 'genuine concern for his life' during controversial incident; family of late Munir Anabtawi vows to appeal

Vote held after Netanyahu repeatedly resisted calls to fill the positions, in apparent failed bid to prevent appointment of Blue and White's Gantz as justice minister

Report -- strongly denied by Blue and White -- says defense minister proposed government of equally shared powers if he goes first as PM, Likud leader rejected offer

Religious Zionism leader says public will 'fight for their independence and sovereignty' should AG move to deem premier unfit to serve following 'illegal' cabinet vote

PM appears to end crisis ahead of key High Court ruling, but insists cabinet vote appointing Likud ally Akunis was legal despite attorney general’s objection

Desperate to avoid November rotation, Likud unveils a new line of argument at meeting on appointing a justice minister: The unity government restrictions no longer apply to us
