Almost 2 months after being promised the job by Netanyahu, vocal Likud MK approved by Knesset, though his role hasn't been defined

Justice minister, Knesset panel head overseeing bills say they are willing to start dialogue 'without preconditions'; opposition says proposal disingenuous while process continues

Public broadcaster says proposal, from previous Netanyahu government, would allow police to give protesters fines of up to NIS 5,000; police minister 'completely rejects' bill

Levin's bill remakes terms for choosing High Court president, aims to prevent justices blocking his whole package, allows re-legislation of any law the justices strike down

Former Supreme Court deputy president tells Times of Israel radical legal shakeup would leave Israel with just one branch of government - and potentially a 'democracy in name' only

Levin announces sweeping proposals to severely curtail judges' powers; claims court's intervention in decisions, Knesset laws harms democracy; opposition warns of 'political coup'

Justice Minister Levin set to announce legislative blitz including an override clause, new regulations for choosing judges, canceling 'reasonability' as legal grounds

New minister will reportedly tap former adviser Itamar Donenfeld as director general, despite his lack of law degree and experience -- reportedly triggering backlash in ministry

Likud MK a major proponent of passing court override measure, boosting government control of judicial appointments and lowering age of retirement for Supreme Court justices

Lawmakers accuse Netanyahu of doing whatever he wants, a day before swearing-in ceremony; one chides incoming PM: 'Don't interrupt me, let me speak!'
