Following weeks of stalling, PM says his lawyers have accepted the material after agreeing to receive partial payment

Anonymous source tells TV news Netanyahu 'is making a mockery of the system' through ongoing delays to legal process

Justice Ministry says it tried to send material via couriers but they were sent away; AG calls PM's request to delay hearing while failing to take material 'puzzling'

Nicolas Bauman, who died in France in 2009, bequeathed €13 million euros to the state; special JNF-KKL and Justice Ministry fund to focus on helping bereaved siblings

Amid coalition talks, senior far-right MK says he 'wouldn't even consider' Housing Ministry, which Netanyahu reportedly planned to offer

Unnamed sources said to caution that potential justice ministers will 'destroy' court, raise alarm over fears new public security minister will allow Jewish rituals on Temple Mount

Reports indicate PM favoring two hardliners for key post amid calls to limit court's ability to overturn Knesset legislation, all in shadow of his impending graft indictments
