Deputy Knesset Speaker Eitan Ginzburg also denies Amichai Chikli's demand to have Bennett and Shaked testify, saying House Committee is 'not a court'

Letter filed by MK Amichai Chikli's lawyer argues that April 25 hearing 'was scheduled in haste,' accuses PM of 'desire to do harm and evil'

Public Security Minister Barlev calls current legislation 'old'; Knesset committee opens discussion on claims that police used Pegasus spyware to track civilians without oversight

As coalition works to pass budget by November 14 deadline, parliament to open with speeches and no-confidence votes; battle over makeup of committees shows no sign of ending

Makeup of panels approved by Arrangements Committee in 17-13 vote; opposition to control 3 committees; Yamina’s Nir Orbach to head House Committee

Hadash, Balad factions to continue as Joint List alliance of Arab parties, while Ahmad Tibi's Ta'al and Mansour Abbas's Ra'am will each run separately

UTJ and Shas have stuck by Likud for the last five years, but as political winds shift, they are letting other parties know that their loyalty may be up for grabs

Lawmakers vote 49 to 47 against legislation that would have given Likud, Blue and White extra time to reach compromise; Knesset set to dissolve on Tuesday at midnight

Netanyahu’s party accuses Gantz of reneging on agreement, while defense minister — in isolation over exposure to virus — says he expects PM to refuse his ‘final offer’

House Committee, held by Gantz's party, votes against sending legislation to another committee, meaning Likud can't hold it up and Blue and White can set election date
